Tuesday 19 August 2014

Green grass outside

Quick blog today: More gardening to report-the weed pulling continues and plenty of cutting back with the secateurs. Think I may be allergic to trees...anyway did a lot.
Something different-have a meeting with Marie at Bede tomorrow-looking forward to that.


Tuesday 12 August 2014

Down at the farm

Went to Surrey Docks Farm yesterday (Mon). Its A great place to visit, but you have to be dressed for it. The weather was pretty miserable, wet and muddy-still trying  to get the mud off my trainers. I think I would like to work with animals. Its a great feeling to be able to get so close to them and I must be a bit ticklish, because when they lick my hand and wrist, I want to laugh.

Tuesday 05th August 2014

I've arrived very early in the morning today and climbed up the ladder to help clean the windows  with Stephanie, May and Dulani.

Yesterday was sailing day at Greenland Docks, Surrey Quays.  It was great fun and everyone had afternoon tea together afterwards.

I'm planning to pack my luggage today and will be going to the seaside at Southend tomorrow to stay with my mum. We'll be travelling on a coach. She's going to give me loads of pocket money, and I am very excited to go on the fishing trip.